Sunday, September 20, 2020

Moving Day

“Before I sign, can you clarify something?” asked Keller.

The familiar-looking elderly man on screen did not comment one way or another, so Keller continued.


“I’ve signed non-disclosures before, usually a couple of pages. This is a book. The phrase ‘consequences up to and resulting in your termination’ strikes me as a bit ominous given the context.” He looked up for a response, a clue.


The old man smiled slightly and leaned toward whatever camera was filming him.


“You’re right to read between the lines. I once asked the same question. The job you’ve applied for has an arms-length interest from our government. It is important work, but they maintain plausible deniability. You said you want to make a difference in the world? Everything we do here has the potential to be life-changing.” 


“Or life ending?” Keller probed, raising his eyebrows.

To read the rest of this story and more than fifty others, please consider buying "Natural Selections," at


If you like fiction and you're in the mood for over 50 short stories, please consider buying "Natural Selections," at

Or if you'd prefer seventy non-fiction stories inspired by a town in Illinois, please consider buying Park Ridge Memories also on Amazon. Click on the image below.