years ago we hoped for a convenient place to buy diapers for our children, but
they were not carried at The Store Nextdoor near our home in Lincolnshire. My
kids were not yet interested in cigarettes or beer.
It is said that the journey is the reward. So the other day we headed
west from Oxford along the brick path on the south side of Half Day Road. Our
goal was a restaurant in Lincolnshire’s local downtown. Forgetting that the
walkway is not part of the ill-conceived network of Lincolnshire bike paths, we doubled
back and crossed at the light by the tennis club. It was a delightful stroll
over “big red,” the rusty, bouncy bridge, through the fearful forest, past the land
of empty eateries to the corner of Milwaukee and Olde Half Day roads. In the
distance lay an oasis now crammed full of tasty destinations. But first we had
to cross an intersection where you had best not attempt a right-on-red or
exceed the speed limits imposed by the Vernon Hills horsemen of the apocalypse.
challenge remained. We just had to cross that old horse trail, Milwaukee
Avenue…on foot. To the left is Walgreens. We drive there. Diagonally are the
vestiges of another era, and behold, a new place to buy beer and cigarettes.
Oh, how I miss the simple and somewhat disgusting, family-friendly Denny’s,
Tacos del Rey and The Italian Connection. At least we still have a couple of
favorite places where the sulfurous well-water is reminiscent of the beloved
Half Day Inn.
had a bite to eat at Tom and Eddies, where the plates are very large, and then
began the journey home. Perhaps there was a better route.
Along the south side of Half Day Road, there is a path
from Barclay Boulevard to the Des Plaines River Trail that ends across from the
Village Hall, I guess because everybody walks to Village Hall from the west
side of the village. The path then returns to the north side, east of the
Village Hall after crossing the lightly traveled Route 22, and the absolutely
rural Olde Half Day Road. The spelling of “Olde” makes it easier to cross, I
Remaining on the south side of the road would result
in an interesting opportunity to collect golf balls, and the adventure of a
river crossing, since there is no southern bridge to connect the east/west
Should we be so inclined, paths on both sides of Route
22 extend from Oxford Drive to the east Village limits at the Tristate carriageway,
where the path connects to the Village of Bannockburn's path system.
Respirators and bright orange safety vests are recommended. Fortunately, we
turn at Oxford.
The late Stephen Covey said, “Begin with the end in
mind.” If that’s the case, is the desire to be upscale in Lincolnshire at odds
with the need to be down to earth? Are we simply the longstanding victims of a sordid
string of bankruptcies, bad timing and misplaced restaurants? What do we want
to be, now that we’ve grown up? Quaint? Charming? Pastoral? Or did we miss that
So, the journey continues, and we are super-excited to
see bulldozers on the future site of an upscale grocery store at the
much-improved corner of Milwaukee and Route 22 that features a winding rivulet
and two giant cell towers. It remains to be seen what we can purchase there, but
for now we can at least buy diapers at Walgreens. For our grandchildren.
Author's Note: the upscale grocery store failed. A Culver's was built nearby.